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從 1990 年到 2010 年的 20 年間,致死和致殘主因的排名相對保持穩定。心臟病仍是人類失去健康和生命的最主要原因,當然,也有一些疾病的名次下滑(例如愛滋病),但在發病率比上一代增加的疾病中,慢性腎臟病增加的幅度最大,死亡人數也增加了一倍。[1]





在吃肉後的幾個小時內,腎臟就會轉換成超過濾狀態,不管你吃的是牛肉、雞肉或魚,都有類似的結果。[7]反之,相同份量的植物性蛋白,對腎臟沒有明顯造成實質上的壓力。[8]吃鮪魚後的三小時內,腎臟的過濾率可以高達 36%;但在食用等量蛋白質的豆腐後,對腎臟似乎沒有施加任何額外的壓力。[9]

用植物性蛋白取代動物性蛋白,是否有助於延緩腎功能惡化呢?答案是肯定的。已有六項臨床試驗顯示,以植物性蛋白替代,可以減少超過濾和蛋白質滲漏的現象[7,10,11,12,13,14],但這些研究都是短期性的,試驗期都少於八週。一直到  2014 年,終於有一項長達六個月的隨機、有安慰劑對照的雙盲臨床試驗,研究腎臟如何處理大豆蛋白與乳製品蛋白。結果與其他研究相符,發現植物性蛋白能幫助生病的腎臟維持功能。[15]





食療聖經 How not to die


[1] US Burden of Disease Collaborators. The State of US Health, 1990-2010: Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors. JAMA. 2013 Aug 14;310(6):591-608

[2] Odermatt A. The Western-style diet: a major risk factor for impaired kidney function and chronic kidney disease.Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 Nov;301(5):F919-31.

[3] van den Berg E, Hospers FA, Navis G, et al. Dietary acid load and rapid progression to end-stage renal disease of diabetic nephropathy in Westernized South Asian people. J Nephrol. 2011 Jan-Feb;24(1):11-7.

[4] Piccoli GB, Vigotti FN, Leone F, et al. Low-protein diets in CKD: how can we achieve them? A narrative, pragmatic review. Clin Kidney J. 2015 Feb;8(1):61-70.

[5] BM Brenner, TW Meyer, TH Hostetter. Dietary protein intake and the progressive nature of kidney disease: the role of hemodynamically mediated glomerular injury in the pathogenesis of progressive glomerular sclerosis in aging, renal ablation, and intrinsic renal disease. N Engl J Med. 1982 Sep 9;307(11):652-9.

[6] Wiseman MJ, Hunt R, Goodwin A, Gross JL, Keen H, Viberti GC. Dietary composition and renal function in healthy subjects. Nephron. 1987;46(1):37-42.

[7] Nakamura H, Takasawa M, Kashara S, Tsuda A, Momotsu T, Ito S, Shibata A. Effects of acute protein loads of different sources on renal function of patients with diabetic nephropathy. Tohoku J Exp Med. 1989 Oct;159(2):153-62.

[8]Simon AH, Lima PR, Almerinda M, Alves VF, Bottini PV, de Faria JB. Renal haemodynamic responses to a chicken or beef meal in normal individuals.Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1998 Sep;13(9):2261-4.

[9] P Kontessis, S Jones, R Dodds, R Trevisan, R Nosadini, P Fioretto, M Borsato, D Sacerdoti, G Viberti. Renal, metabolic and hormonal responses to ingestion of animal and vegetable proteins. Kidney Int. 1990 Jul;38(1):136-44.

[10] Azadbakht L, Shakerhosseini R, Atabak S, Jamshidian M, Mehrabi Y, Esmaill-Zadeh A. Beneficiary effect of dietary soy protein on lowering plasma levels of lipid and improving kidney function in type II diabetes with nephropathy.Eur J Clin Nutr. 2003 Oct;57(10):1292-4.

[11] Kontessis PA, Bossinakou I, Sarika L, et al. Renal, metabolic, and hormonal responses to proteins of different origin in normotensive, nonproteinuric type I diabetic patients. Diabetes Care. 1995 Sep;18(9):1233.

[12] SR Teixeira, KA Tappenden, L Carson, R Jones, M Prabhudesai, WP Marshall, JW Erdman Jr. Isolated soy protein consumption reduces urinary albumin excretion and improves the serum lipid profile in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus and nephropathy. J Nutr. 2004 Aug;134(8):1874-80.

[13] Stephenson TJ, Setchell KD, Kendall CW, Jenkins DJ, Anderson JW, Fanti P. Effect of soy protein-rich diet on renal function in young adults with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Clin Nephrol. 2005 Jul;64(1):1-11.

[14] Jibani MM, Bloodworth LL, Foden E, Griffiths KD, Galpin OP. Predominantly vegetarian diet in patients with incipient and early clinical diabetic nephropathy: effects on albumin excretion rate and nutritional status. Diabet Med. 1991 Dec;8(10):949-53.

[15] Bosch JP, Saccaggi A, Lauer A, Ronco C, Belledonne M, Glabman S. Renal functional reserve in humans. Effect of protein intake on glomerular filtration rate. Am J Med. 1983 Dec;75(6):943-50.

[16] ZM Liu, SC Ho, YM Chen, N Tang, J Woo. Effect of whole soy and purified isoflavone daidzein on renal function--a 6-month randomized controlled trial in equol-producing postmenopausal women with prehypertension. Clin Biochem. 2014 Sep;47(13-14):1250-6.

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